Molly Fisk edited California Fire & Water, A Climate Crisis Anthology, with a Poets Laureate Fellowship from the Academy of American Poets. Author of The More Difficult BeautyListening to Winter, and five volumes of radio commentary, her new collection Walking Wheel is forthcoming from Red Hen Press. Fisk has won grants from the NEA, the California Arts Council, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Winter Sun

How valuable it is in these short days,
threading through empty maple branches,
the lacy-needled sugar pines.

Its glint off sheets of ice tells the story
of Death’s brightness, her bitter cold.

We can make do with so little, just the hint
of warmth, the slanted light.

The way we stand there, soaking in it,
mittened fingers reaching.

And how carefully we gather what we can,
to offer later, in darkness, one body to another.
Molly Fisk, from The More Difficult Beauty

Patricia Caspers is the founding Editor-in-Chief of West Trestle Review and the author of three full-length poetry collections: In the Belly of the Albatross (Glass Lyre Press, 2015), Some Flawed Magic (Kelsay Books, 2021) and The Most Kissed Woman in the World (Kelsay Books, forthcoming, 2024). Caspers won the Nimrod/Hardman Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, and her work has been published widely in journals such as Ploughshares, Valparaiso, and Spillway.